Manufacturing Process


Overview and the content of the production

1-1 Wash

Soak Acetone in paper towel and wipe Cavity and Core

1-2 Coating off the release machine

Heat the release chemical to 80℃ to liquidize and pour it into the template

1-3 Wipe off the release machine

Remove any excess chemical with Paper towel

1-4 Mix

Mix in 1g of Germanium for around 30 seconds

1-5 Casting

Be cautious of bubbles and pour the mix into the template

1-6 Fabric setting ①

Cut the fabric accordingly to the gauge

1-6 Fabric setting ②

Turn the fabric inside out and set it into the mould

1-7 Pour in extra resin

Pour the resin on top of the fabric, which has been set in the mold and soak it into the material with a brush.

1-8 Cool down
1-9 Open the mould

After 1 hour take the mould off the heater and let it cool down naturally

1-10 Release out of the mould

Phone number
Nail size chart

By printing out the size chart, you can check the right nail size for yourself to place an order of Kimono Nails, Obi Nails or Angelly Nails.